Teachers’ Day is one of the most important days in a student’s life. Every year, at Atmiya Vidya Mandir, we celebrate this very special day with great joy and splendour. The 11th Std students were very fortunate to get this golden opportunity to celebrate this grand festival as well as to express their gratitude towards teachers.
As soon as the mid-terms got over, the entire grade (both science and commerce classes combined) went into a discussion spree. The students were very enthusiastic and worked very hard for the preparation of function. They meticulously planned the details of the function and were even worked till late in the night. Their hard work and coordination made it possible to have all the planned tasks executed successfully in very less time. But the most remarkable thing was that the entire standard worked together as ONE unit.The 5th September event kick started with a gracious welcome of the teachers by students doing their poojan right at the entrance of the hall. The event hosts, Uttambhai Italiya (11 Science) and Deepbhai Chamaria (11 Commerce) then invited the dignitaries for lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the. For the understanding of all that were present, the hosts presented a very enlightening video of Lord Krishna in which He defined the true meaning of ‘Samarpan’.Thereafter, a heartfelt musical tribute was offered by Anandbhai Pandya (11 Science) and Abhishekbhai Mandaviya (11 Commerce). To further add charm to the musical saga, we had students from grade 10 to express their gratitude through a melodious song.We then had glimpses of some beautiful moments that our beloved teachers have spent with the students. Moreover, a surprise element was added to this celebration for the first time: video tribute with students (past and present) expressing their feelings about teachers.

We then had glimpses of some beautiful moments that our beloved teachers have spent with the students. Moreover, a surprise element was added to this celebration for the first time: video tribute with students (past and present) expressing their feelings about teachers.

Everyone then witnessed an interactive question and answer session with teachers that was filled with insight into the field of teaching and life of a teacher. A dance was then presented by students of grades 7, 9 and 10. And then, on behalf of all the students, we had Keyurbhai Patel (11 Science) expressing his feelings and gratitude to teachers through a heart touching speech.

Towards the end of this marvellous and insightful event, our school principal, dear Vijay Sir, spoke about the true significance of the day and especially for Atmiya Vidya Mandir students. The event then concluded with gift distribution to the teachers by the Samarpan 2014 team of 11th Std. These gifts were conceptualised by the students themselves and they had poured their heart and soul in preparing them for each individual teacher!

For the teachers, the event then continued from the prayer hall to the senior school building where a special exhibition was held by the students, portraying the inspirational characters of Atmiya Vidya Mandir teachers.

For the students, the celebration took form of classes taken by “student teachers” in a regular manner in their respective classrooms. This tradition has helped the students gain a first-hand insight into the job and responsibilities of teaching and of a teacher.Samarpan 2014 was special also due to a first of its kind event that took place in India! The students of Std 11 and 12 witnessed the live interactive session between our Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi and the youngsters of our country. It was telecast on TV channels and also webcast over the Internet. Through this simple yet insightful session, we got a unique insight into the life of Shri Modiji. The session was not only informative, but also inspired the students to keep India first in our actions and aspirations.

Samarpan 2014 was special also due to a first of its kind event that took place in India! The students of Std 11 and 12 witnessed the live interactive session between our Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi and the youngsters of our country. It was telecast on TV channels and also webcast over the Internet. Through this simple yet insightful session, we got a unique insight into the life of Shri Modiji. The session was not only informative, but also inspired the students to keep India first in our actions and aspirations.

Yaksh Badhiwala & Utkarsh Patel (11 Science)

Glimpses from Swamishree’s Ideal Student Life

Behind the iconic name of the school ‘Atmiya’ lies a noble mission of His Divine Holiness Param Pujya Hariprasad Swamiji. It is to nurture the qualities of compassion, harmony and devoutness in the students of Atmiya Vidya Mandir. Swamishree is an epitome of these values and His student life is a perfect example of an ideal student life, hence in the third week of July, from 14th July to 20th July 2014, Sundaram House members presented glimpses of Swamishree’s inspiring student-life.


In this week, Sundaram House members discussed how Swamiji’s student life is like a road-map showing a clear-cut route to success and happiness. On Monday, Purvesh Sir explained that if we analyse Swamiji’s student life, we can find glimpses of the qualities of sincerity, hard work, devotion and compassion. On Tuesday, students were shown through a video presentation, how Prabhudasbhai (Swamishree’s childhood name) was obedient and respectful towards his parents. Wednesday brought forth a presentation on Swamishree’s school life in which students learnt how Prabhudasbhai excelled in his academics through constant hard work, full attention and being meticulous about his books. On the following day, students were privileged to relive, through a video, one of Swamishree’s visits to AVM. In this video, by giving example of His own life, Swamishree advised students to stay away from misleading movies and remain focused to the studies. On Friday, Mukesh Sir, elucidated how qualities of respectfulness, acceptance and positive attitude made Prabhudasbhai an ideal student.And then arrived the most awaited, most significant, eventful day of creative assembly where an incident of Prabhudasbhai’s life was enacted. A drama presentation explained the students about Swamiji’s unflinching focus on maintaining his positive attitude and harmony with others in spite of all unfavourable circumstances. This creative assembly was a source of insight for the students as they realised not to expend their energy in those matters which do not contribute in living an ideal life. The dramatization of ‘Dudhpak’ incident from Swamiji’s life brought the students to a deeper understanding of their purpose of life. Thus, with a better understanding of their goal, they can stay focused in fruitful work.

In a world which is full of alluring interferences for the students, they have a daily battle with the distractions to stay prolific and in such a scenario, analysis of Swamishree’s student life helps to create a firewall against all distractions. As a matter of fact, by this week’s presentations, students are highly inspired to maintain acceptance, forgiveness and harmony amongst themselves which further creates clarity of destination.

SAMARPAN 2013 – For all those who light the way for others

5th September is celebrated as Teachers’ Day all over India and it was specially so at Atmiya Vidya Mandir. The students of Class 11 with the guidance of the Student Council Convener, Tarun Sir, poured out their hearts to convey their love and respect for their teachers by arranging a celebration on the day. The students believe their teachers to be the torch bearers in their path of ignorance; mast of their life boats and their compass in the dense forest of life.
The function began with the poojan of all the teachers by the students of class 2 and 3. It was followed by invoking the presence of God through Thakorji’s poojan. The stage was set and the hosts: Sonakbhai and Parikshitbhai took their places. First the students were told about the significance of the day. Then, to give a musical tribute, Ronakbhai was called upon, who played a masterpiece on the keyboard. This was followed by a skit by Parthbhai, Mananbhai, Niramaybhai and a group of Class 11 students. The skit showed how the teachers at AVM were different than elsewhere and how they played an important role in deciding the child’s future.

Then was the time for the much awaited dance tribute by some amazingly talented students. The dance was mind blowing and left an imprint in the hearts of every teacher and student. The first part of glimpses of moments spent by teachers with students was shown on the big screen and was followed by card distribution to the female teachers. This part of the function was concluded by a melodious song which was a fusion of “Jab koi baat bigad jaye” and “Tum ho to”.
The second part began with the glimpses of male teachers and was followed by card presentation to them. Howsoever much we praise the teachers, it is always incomplete! Lalitbhai conveyed that fact when he came forward on the stage to talk about the contribution of teachers in his and every students’ life at AVM. His speech was simply heart touching. After the speech, there was a group song performance of “In your hands” by the AVM choir group.
Furthermore, everyone was showed the glimpses of our greatest teacher, Param Pujya Swamiji, how He constantly takes care of us, how He prays for our welfare and how much He loves us. To conclude the function, our beloved and respected Principal, Vijay Sir was called upon on behalf of the teachers to share his feelings as a teacher and his experience having us as his students.
The day then continued with the student teachers performing the teaching duties in the classes right from grade 1 to 12! The senior building staffroom renovation work just finished in time to be inaugurated on this auspicious day by our dearest Haresh Sir. After cutting the ribbon, he asked the student teachers to first enter the staffroom and then followed them into the staffroom with the teachers.
And thus the celebration and the day carved a yet another special place in the hearts of the teachers and the students for each other!
Harshit Aggarwal & Love Patel (11 Commerce)

Are we ready to become role models?

Few days back I came across a good quote on parenting which goes something like this, “If you want to see how good or bad you have lived just look at your child.” There isn’t much difference when it comes to parenting and teaching especially when you are a teacher in a residential school. This quote actually got me thinking deep.

In a sense I think students are nothing but a reflection of their teachers. Young Students always model themselves on others around them. As they grow up their dreams become more reasonable and realistic, but when they are young they always want to become someone from whom they are fascinated. When I was a young student in school, I always wanted to become very good in math like my math teacher. I was fascinated the way my Hindi teacher used to tell us the intriguing stories and wished one day I could tell stories like him. In short I wanted to become very confident, smart, humble and so many other things which I thought my teachers were. I also even imitated their walk, the way they talked. I may even have learned so many things from my teachers without me knowing consciously.

In India if we ask any young boy what they want to become, couple names that will surely dominate are Sachin Tendulkar and M S Dhoni. No price for guessing those two names. But then we always complain about not finding a genuine fast bowler. No child (may be very few) will tell you that they want to become a fast bowler growing up. Reason being they never seen a bowler who could become a role model.

You must be thinking why am I talking about cricket? Because I think in both the cases; academics and sports students need role models. Students always learn and inspired from immediate surroundings. If I am a teacher who reaches 1 minute late in the class I have no right to expect my students to be on time. Their sub conscious minds notice it and put it into action. If I don’t have seriousness and focus in my teaching, my students will not have that in them. If I am not sincere in my daily routine I should expect the same in my students. If I don’t have respect for my students, students will not have respect for me as well as for others.

If I keep pointing out their negative points not only they will be discouraged but they will also start finding negative points in others. On the other side if I am very positive, enthusiastic and optimist in my nature and in my work ethic, I will be able to transfer that enthusiasm and positive energy to my students. Meaning if I want my students to be the best I will have to become super best (I know there is no such word “super best” but you get what I am trying to say right?:))

Bottom line is that I have to become a role model for my students. I cannot teach them something that I am not.