Std 10: वाद-विवाद: “मीठी वाणी का प्रयोग कहाँ करना चाहिए कहाँ नहीं”

“मीठी वाणी का प्रयोग कहाँ करना चाहिए कहाँ नहीं”—इस विषय पर दिनांक 22 जुलाई 2012 के मध्य एक सप्ताह तक वाद-विवाद ( Debate ) का आयोजन किया गया।

संपूर्ण वर्ग के 35 बच्चों को पाँच जूथों में विभाजित किया गया। संपूर्ण प्रवृत्ति का आयोजन विषय शिक्षक श्री मुकेशभाई जोशी के मार्गदर्शन में गतिशील रहा।

Std 9: नाट्य – “गिल्लू”

“गिल्लू”—पाठ के आधार पर पर दिनांक 16 जुलाई से 22 जुलाई 2012 के मध्य एक सप्ताह तक नाट्य का आयोजन किया गया।

कक्षा 9वीं अ तथा 9वीं ब के 32 बच्चों को चार जूथों में विभाजित किया गया। संपूर्ण प्रवृत्ति का आयोजन विषय शिक्षक श्री मुकेशभाई जोशी के मार्गदर्शन में गतिशील रहा।


Std 8: वाद-विवाद—“कहाँ मस्ती करनी चाहिए तथा कहाँ मस्ती नहीं करनी चाहिए, तथा क्यों ?”

आज के समय में व्यक्ति का मन अधिक फैल रहा है। वह धीरे-धीरे अधिक चंचल होता जा रहा है। छात्रों की एकाग्रता कम हो रही है। जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं कि पढ़ाई में एकाग्रता अत्यंत आवश्यक है। मन की एकाग्रता के लिए

सर्वप्रथम शरीर का स्थिर होना ज़रुरी है। एक संत ने कहा है—

“ तन स्थिर मन स्थिर”

अर्थात मन को स्थिर करना हो तो प्रथम तन यानि शरीर की चंचलता को स्थिर करना पड़ेगा और शरीर को स्थिर करने के लिए छात्रों को यह ज्ञान होना चाहिए कि हमें शरीर को स्थिर कयों करना है अर्थात उनको ज्ञान होना चाहिए कि मुझे ऐसा कयों करना चाहिए और ऐसा क्यों नहीं करना चाहिए।

बच्चों को बेन्च पर बैठे-बैठे पैर हिलाने की आदत, चारों तरफ अकारण देखते रहने की आदत, कलम अर्थात पेन घुमाने की आदत आदि से मज़बूर हो गए होते हैं। यानि वें मस्ती करते रहते हैं।

यदि उसे पता हो कि कहाँ मस्ती करनी चाहिए और कहाँ मस्ती नहीं करनी चाहिए तथा क्यों? इस प्रश्न को वे भली-भाँति समझते हो तो वह छात्र पढ़ाई में जाग्रत रहता हैं।

इसी उद्देश्य की पूर्ति हेतु कक्षा 8वी ब में—

“कहाँ मस्ती करनी चाहिए तथा कहाँ मस्ती नहीं करनी चाहिए, तथा क्यों ?”—इस विषय पर दिनांक 17 जून से 23 जून 2012 के मध्य एक सप्ताह तक वाद-विवाद ( Debate ) का आयोजन किया गया।

संपूर्ण वर्ग के 32 बच्चों को पाँच जूथों में विभाजित किया गया। संपूर्ण प्रवृत्ति का आयोजन विषय शिक्षक श्री मुकेशभाई जोशी के मार्गदर्शन में गतिशील रहा।

वाद-विवाद के अंत में जो निष्कर्ष निकला उसके कुछ मुद्दे निम्नलिखित हैं—

1. वर्गखंड में मस्ती में नहीं करनी चाहिए, क्योकि उससे हमारी एकाग्रता में बाधा आती है तथा पढ़ाई पर असर पड़ता है।

2. प्रार्थना कक्ष में दैवत्व अर्थात भक्ति का वातावरण होता हैं, जहाँ पर हमें भगवान के आशिष प्राप्त होते हैं, अत: वहाँ शिस्त (अदब) अति आवश्यक है।

3. भोजनालय में यदि एकाग्रता से शांतिपूर्वक भोजन करते हैं तो पाचक रस का निर्माण अधिक होता है, जिससे हमारा भोजन सुपाच्य बनता है।

4. छात्रालय में अवकाश के समय(Free Time) तथा खेल के मैंदान में जब सिर्फ़ समय व्यतीत करने के उद्देश्य से खेल रहे हो, तब किसी को शारीरिक या मानसिक हानि न पहुँचे इस तरह शिस्तता का पालन करते हुए मस्ती कर सकते हैं।

इस प्रकार बच्चों ने आनंद लेते हुए ज्ञान प्राप्त किया तथा आचरण में लेने का निर्णय लिया।


-हिन्दी शिक्षक मुकेशभाई जोशी

Std 8: वर्ग-प्रवृत्ति— ‘पत्र-लेखन’

आज के समय में व्यक्ति एस.एम.एस. एवं इ-मेल में व्यस्त है। सभी के जीवन से पत्र-लेखन विसरता जा रहा है। तो आज भी एस.एम.एस. एवं इ-मेल कि दुनियाँ में पत्रों का उपयोग कम होने के बावजूद पत्रों का अपना अलग ही महत्व हैं ।
इसकी उपयोगीता एवं जीवन में पत्रों की महत्वता बताते हुए दिनांक 08 अगस्त 2012 से 10 अगस्त 2012 के मध्य हिन्दी विषय शिक्षक श्री मुकेश जोशी के मार्गदर्शन में 8वीं कक्षा के ‘ब’ वर्ग में प्रश्नोत्तरी का आयोजन किया गया तत्पश्चात उन्होंने अपने-अपने परिवार को पत्र लिखा एवं पत्रों में बच्चों ने अपने-अपने माता-पिता से बिनती की कि प्रत्युत्तर में वें भी ऐसे ही पत्र (POST CARD) में पारिवारिक बातें एवं विचार लिखकर बच्चों का उत्साह बढ़ाएँ।

इस प्रकार बच्चों ने आनंद लेते पत्र लिखा तथा वें उत्साह के साथ पत्रों के प्रत्युत्तर की प्रतिक्षा करते हुए आनंद लेते हुए पढ़ाई में व्यस्त हो रहे हैं। 

– शिक्षक श्री मुकेश जोशी

हिन्दी गुजराती प्रतियोगिता 2012

आत्मीय विद्यामंदिर में 1 सितम्बर 2012 शनिवार को सुबह 11:20 से दोपहर 01:10 तक प्रार्थनाकक्ष के स्पर्धा-मंच पर हिन्दी-गुजराती प्रतियोगिता (Hindi-Gujarati Competition 2012) का आयोजन हिन्दी शिक्षकगण श्री. मुकेशभाई जोशी, श्री पुष्पक जोशी, श्रीमति संगीता दूबे एवं गुजराती शिक्षकगण श्री गौतम पटेल, श्रीयुक्ता वैदेही बहन, श्रीयुक्ता रेखाबहन के मार्गदर्शन में किया गया।

कार्यक्रम का प्रारंभ भगवान के पूजन से किया गया। इस संपूर्ण कार्यक्रम को पाँच प्रतियोगिताओं में विभाजित किया गया:

  1. कक्षा 1,2 के लिए गुजराती में दृश्य-श्राव्य प्रक्षेपण संसाधन द्वारा प्रश्नोत्तरी प्रस्तुतिकरण,
  2. कक्षा 3,4,5 के लिए गुजराती में दृश्य-श्राव्य प्रक्षेपण संसाधन द्वारा प्रश्नोत्तरी प्रस्तुतिकरण,
  3. कक्षा 6,7,8 के लिए हिन्दी में दृश्य-श्राव्य प्रक्षेपण संसाधन द्वारा “भ्रष्टाचार” विषय पर प्रस्तुतिकरण,
  4. कक्षा 9 के लिए गुजराती में “हूँ मानवी मानव थाऊँ तोय घणुं” विषय पर वकृत्व-स्पर्धा,
  5. कक्षा 10 के लिए हिन्दी में “अच्छे पुस्तक मेरे सच्चे मित्र” विषय पर वकृत्व-स्पर्धा।

सभी विद्यार्थी इस प्रतियोगिताओं में सरस डूबे हुए थें। इस संपूर्ण कार्यक्रम में ध्यानाकर्षक तथ्य यह था कि इन सभी स्पर्धाओं का संचालन छात्रों ने स्वयं किया था, जो आज के वर्तमान में एक छात्र के लिए उत्कृष्ट बात है, क्योंकि यही छात्र आगे चलकर एक जागृत नागरिक बन समाज के नेतृत्व में अपना योगदान देकर एक सच्चा नागरिक होने की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभा सकेगा। ऐसे छात्रों का बीजाँकुरण आत्मीय विद्यामंदिर में हो रहा है यह आत्मीय विद्यामंदिर के छात्रों एवं स्वयं पाठशाला तथा समाज के लिए एक गौरव की बात है।

धन्यवाद सह,

हिन्दी शिक्षक मुकेशभाई जोशी
सह हिन्दी एवं गुजराती शिक्षकगण

Teachers: The light of our life

Who help in shaping our life

Who wipe our tears and make us smile!
Who solve our doubts,
Who guide us, teach us, discipline us,
Who play with us and helps us overcome our fears!
And finally make us shine like a star supporting us from back like a night sky!

Our teachers!!!!!!!!!!!

These individuals seem to be God sent at Atmiya Vidya Mandir
Come let’s celebrate all these people who have made an impact on us from day one!

Let us celebrate Teacher’s Day!

…these expressions are like drops in the ocean of the great qualities that teachers of Atmiya Vidya Mandir possess. To give reverence to such teachers, students of Atmiya Vidya Mandir organised a heartfelt cultural programme and stage show on the pious day of 5th September 2012 widely known in India as the Teachers Day.

Devoted to make this day special for their teachers the students of Std 11 gave their soul and sweat while preparing for the function a fortnight prior to the eventful day. The whole celebration was planned secretly so as to keep the teachers wondering what was going around. Students decorated the entire prayer hall on the eve of teacher’s day to offer a pleasant surprise to the teachers.

And finally the day arrived. All students were seated in the prayer hall when the teachers made their grand entry. A memorable programme was organized to honour teachers with most powerful expression. Bestowing it with dignity and enriching it with a deeper sense of respect, the junior students welcomed the teachers by doing poojan and showering flowers on them. Then welcomed and greeted by the senior students, the teachers took their seats at the centre of the hall.

Having been well instilled with the belief that, nothing happens without the blessings of God, the hosts of the show (Raj, Sagar K, Harsh) invited the dignitaries of the school to do the poojan of Thakorji. Speaking on the occasion, Abhishek Ariwala gave a stirring speech about teachers day, he signified the importance of teachers in one’s life by narrating his experience at the school. Then started the cultural events of the day. The first performers to set fire on the stage were the AVM singing idols: Nilesh, Viraj, Yash, Abhishek D, Jigar, Nirmal, Anmol and Parag. They sang melodious songs with their sensational voice which mesmerized the audience, especially the teachers who couldn’t hold back their emotions and praised the students for their performance through their applause.

The amazing hosts of the event did a marvellous job just like professionals they were at the nook by keeping the audience entertained with their spontaneous bubbly remarks which had the teachers doubling up and rippling with laughter, reacting with resounding claps of joy. With enticing queries, they moved around the audience asking the students to say a few words about their favourite teachers, the hosts also asked the new teachers about their experience at the school.

After this, cards were presented to the teachers by the students along with their unique qualities written in it. This was followed by the groundbreaking and electrifying one-of-a-kind dance performance by Harsh Ambalia and group which was themed to thank the teachers for guiding us, inspiring us and making us what we are today and will be tomorrow.

The most emotional and heart touching event of the celebration were the glimpses of the teachers presented by the students in the form of a video which left everybody in the prayer hall in a state of nostalgia and awe. The glimpses enforced the message of love and caring that the teachers and student possess for one another.

Then came the legendary performance of the celebration by the group of Suhradam Sir which consisted of an unbelievable number of 256 students who performed on the song – You Have Made A Difference. The teachers were so emotionally touched that they couldn’t stop themselves from giving an applause with all their hands high in the air and which seemed to last forever. Finally it was clear that through their diverse creativity and dedication the students conveyed the message of samarpan to the teachers and that their love and affection for their teachers is deeper than any ocean and higher than the skies.

After the fabulous dance, Sagar N gave vote of thanks to every teacher who helped make the show successful. Then the school principal, Vijay Sir was invited to give the speech on Teachers Day. He shared his personal experiences about his childhood teachers and thanked all the students for putting up such an amazing show for the teachers and congratulated on the efforts of all the students.

In the school, the students took up the teaching job while the teachers sat in the classes alongside other students, enjoying the teaching of their students. It was a onetime experience to see the students dressed like teachers walking down the corridors shoulder to shoulder with the teachers. The whole day was very eventful and left treasurable memories in everybody’s minds.

Written By: Shubham Pansari and Shubham Patel (11th Commerce)

10 AVM students selected for state level TT competition!

Atmiya Vidya Mandir students participated in the District level Table Tennis Competition held at Essar International School, Surat on 22nd Aug 2012.

There were a total of 66 participating students at this district level tournament and the best of them were to be selected for the state level competition. Overall, 15 students were selected out of the total 66. Out of these 15, 10 students were selected from the Atmiya Vidya Mandir team at the end of this tournament.

Following is the list of students selected for state level competition from the school.

Sr. No.
Name of the student
U Patel
Under  – 14
P Italiya
Under  – 14
P Patel
Under  –  17
M Pandey
Under  –  17
S Mistry
Under   – 17
L Sarda
Under   – 17
R Patel
Under   – 19
H Patel
Under   – 19
K Patel
Under   – 19
J Patel
Under   – 19
Coach :- Mr. Devang Hariyani
Manager :- Mr. Ritesh Desai
Sports In Charge:- Mr. Ramakar Dubey
Sports Coordinator :- Mr. Tarun Pandya
Submitted by: AVM Sports Team

Recipe of Success: Hardwork, Prayer & Company of Good Friends

Once while giving blessings to the students of standard 12, Swamishree’s explained to them what is true success and how to achieve it. Swamiji explained to the students that you may become very successful, successful like a scientist or a big businessman but in your mind if you are not able to sustain clean and positive thoughts than that is not true success. He further explained that to be successful and to develop such positive thoughts in mind, we need constant hard work, company of good friends and sincere prayers. Swamiji also mentioned that one of the previously mentioned qualities alone cannot get you true success but all the three together can lead one to true success.

All the members of Shivam House were filled with joy upon receiving this value for the week. It was a great opportunity for all the teachers and students to delve deeper, think about the value from various perspectives and to practice it. Throughout the week, students of Shivam House presented their perspectives on the three ingredients of the recipe of success. During this week, students understood what flavour each of these ingredients adds to the success.

Param Pujya Swamishree’s recipe of success was presented in a dramatic form by Shivam House on Saturday August 25, 2012 in Creative Assembly. After a lot of brain storming sessions a wonderful script was developed by the teachers of Shivam House, which was effectively directed by Montu sir, Bharat Sir, Nikhil Sir and Prabhudarshan Sir. It went on to become a rocking performance of a very high degree.

The play showed the story of a timid boy who after being supported by his friends and blessed by God, attains remarkable success in the end. The realistic acting of the Shivam House boys was quite admirable. The main characters of this drama were:

Original Name
Character Name
Manan Mehta
Devarshi Patel
Jay Patel
Aryan Modi
Raj Bhakta
Megh Rathod
Vinayak Patel
Bhavya Oza
Nihar Dudhatara
Dhaval Jariwala
Uttam Italiya
Het Adhvaryu
11 Commerce
Rohan Hasani
An exclusive feature of the drama was the song sung by Bhavesh Rajpurohit, Shyamal Patel and Rishi Patel who were guided by Somnath Sir and Jaimin Sir. The music was given by Ronak Mistry (Std 10) who played the keyboard and Harsh Vaghela (Std 10) who played the octopad. It was so effectively sung perfectly synchronized with the situation in the play that it won the hearts of the entire audience and was received with a booming applause.

The end was equally exciting as we saw the students of Shivam House from junior classes lining up on the stage with a candle each in their hands. All the Shivam House students of standard 1 – standard 6 had participated in this. Matching to the beat of music in the background they organized themselves and then was created an astonishing formation – PRAYER. The collective efforts of all lady teachers – Dipika Ma’am, Amrapali Ma’am, Bhavana Ma’am, Shreeji Ma’am and Rashmi Ma’am was especially instrumental in creating the climactic end of the show with the tiny tots of the House on stage.

Students learnt that hard work helps us to achieve known things or to develop our skills. For example, to climb Mount Everest, we need to do a lot of practice and hard work to train our body to face many challenges and survive the intense weather conditions. What we cannot prepare for or what is not in our hands is an avalanche! That is where prayer comes in. Prayer prepares us for the unknown things or for the things which are not in our control. God always gives us success proportionate to the hard work we do. But when we do sincere prayers, God makes us efficient and gives us wisdom to achieve greater heights, realize goals and success beyond our capacity. Last but the most important one is the company of good friends. Man is influenced by the company he keeps. Fortunate are the children of Atmiya Vidya Mandir to have Swamiji as their charioteer. Swamiji has explained to the children what He means by good friends. He explained that one who has clarity of destination, one who has the manners of sense organs, one who is obedient and is ahead of us in academics is our true friend. Company of such a friend not only motivates us but we learn from them how to do things efficiently, we learn how to pray and what to pray. That completed the recipe of success that Param Pujya Swamishree has given us – “Company of good friends, hard work and prayer”

Shivam House was fortunate to get help and support from Vallabh Mama, Samarthya Didi and group, Jigar T Patel (11 Commerce), Vishlesh Gondaliya (12 Commerce) and all the staff members in making this week celebration a grand success.

Report submitted by: Nikhil Sir and Prabhudarshan Sir

Exhibition on Acids, Bases and Salts by Std 10 students

I Hear And I Forget,

I See And I Remember,

I Do and I Understand.

Chemistry is a science of experiments. Scientific concepts can be easily
understood by performing experiments. Students learn how to handle the
equipments and develop a scientific attitude.

Students of Std 10 recently organised an exhibition on Acid, Base and Salt. They gathered the information about the topic from various books, encyclopaedias and websites.

Students presented experiments to the visitors (students and teachers)
to detect whether the given substance was an acid, basic or salt by
nature. They gathered many food items and checked their nature with
different indicators (litmus paper, phenolphthalein and methyl orange)
and also measured pH of the given material with pH strips and universal

In the process, the students (both – the presenters and the visitors)
not only learnt about the topic but also understood the nature of the
food they eat daily. They also found out the three gunas of the food that is, Satvik food, Rajas food and Tamsic food.
Many students became aware that taking certain types of food (like soft
drinks, tea, coffee, spicy food, junk food, etc.) in excess is not good
for the health. They learnt about 10 different ways to maintain a
balance in our body by exploiting the neutralising nature of the
reaction of an alkali and an acid.

The presenters also gathered soil from different areas of the campus and
measured pH of these samples and understood the nature of the soil and
types of crops that grow in a particular type of soil.

The school principal, Dr. Vijay Patel, all teachers, especially the
Chemistry teachers (Anand Sir and Archana Madam) encouraged the students
and discussed with them about their selected topic(s) and gave them
some very valuable feedback. Their questions made the presenting
students think differently at times to find an answer and a few were
left unanswered on the day for the students to dig out an appropriate

Overall, the “fair” turned out to be a great learning experience for both the participants and the visiting students. 

Written by: Swayam Madam

Inception of the AVM Debating Club

Live in a way leaving a mark of your existence

Exist in a way establishing your recognition

Be recognised in a way

Rising above the crowd while still standing

among them………

It seems as if this verse is especially composed for the students of AVM to inspire them to live a meaningful and purposeful life and nurture leadership quality to become legendary. In addition to this, communication skills are most essential to stand in today’s fast pacing and competitive world. It is mandatory for the students to express their ideas precisely and effectively. Students must have the skill to speak impressively what they think and feel. In order to facilitate the students to acquire such good communicating skills, the founder of the school His Divine Holiness Hariprasad Swamiji wishes AVM students to be great debaters. Hence, the teachers of the English Department of Atmiya Vidya Mandir have started a Debating Club for the students of VI to XII Std.

The registered student members of this AVM Debating Club are divided in many groups to participate in the club activities which allow the students to socialize and build friendships with teammates while collaborating and sharing ideas. Club members are trained by the English teachers to build their individual abilities to reason and employ analytical thinking as they strive to understand all the possible arguments about the topic. The activities of this Debating club are scheduled in such a way that students are trained and taught about all aspects of debating skills. Under this Debating Club, teachers guide students to learn the art of public speaking and critical thinking. While discussing and debating current events, they brainstorm ideas and utilize their research skills to dig up relevant information about the week’s topic. Facilitators/teachers help students develop position statements, supporting arguments, and rebuttals.

Teachers train students to think analytically, abide by debate rules, and become comfortable with friendly discussion in a virtual environment. The first training session with the introduction module was held in the second week of July in which Seema Madam introduced the club to debating. It was an interactive session with activities and a spectacular audio-visual presentation. In the second session Prabhudarshan Sir taught the students Assertion-Reasoning-Evidence, commonly known as A-R-E for debates. Students were benefitted with many rules and procedure of debating and communicating ideas through this module. The third session was conducted by Nikhil Sir in which he taught students how to write and deliver a speech with respect to debates. It ended with a very apt example from the movie Julius Caesar – Speech by Marc Anthony to the Romans on death of Caesar. It was followed by training and practice of research skills by Prajval Sir. In the next training session, Chirag Sir explained the students how to refute and respond the verbal attack in a Debate. In this manner, through different modules and training sessions, students will be trained and taught the skills and art of debating by English Teachers.

Fukuda (2003), in a debate study conducted with Japanese students, found that “before the debates only 30.8% of the students were not afraid of expressing their opinions when they were not the same as others’. After the debate this figure rose to 56.7%.” AVM teachers believe that the knowledge or skills which came from the practice in the debates lead the students to become more accustomed to expressing opinions. This suggests that, although debating can be challenging, through debating skills, students can help themselves to further develop their communicative skill. Students of AVM have a lot of contributing practical reasons for being the part of Debating Club and getting involved with debate. Learning how to prepare a speech will probably improve their marks in English essays. Learning about political issues and current affairs will help them in Social Studies.

For all these advancement and achievement, the ultimate inspiration is this Quote: “My Favourite activity in school was debating. I picked the side of the motion last which meant which was unpopular. I did this because it required a lot of thinking”. P.P. Swamishree