Basketball is one the most exciting and nerve-wracking sports played on this Earth. It is a sport that requires the right blend of talent, skill and composure. At Atmiya Vidya Mandir, basketball is a very popular sport that draws the interest of many students as the players are trained with the best tactics to master this game. Recently, in the series of inter-house competitions, a basketball competition was organised among all four houses – Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram, and Suhradam. This exciting inter-house competition took place in three categories: Sub-Junior, Junior, and Senior. The teams of each house in each category performed at their best and exceeded their limits by a wide margin.

Quite remarkably, in this inter-house competition, all the players of different house upheld and practiced the values of Atmiyata and We are One on the ground. The Satyam House emerged as the winner in the Sub-Junior category, while Sundaram House secured first place in the Junior category. Shivam House emerged victorious in the Senior group.

The most thrilling match was the final match between Suhradam House and Shivam House. In the beginning of the match, Suhradam House seemed to drive the victory towards them with a score of 17-11. Their passes and shots were flawless. None of the AVM members sitting to watch this game had expected the game to start favouring the Shivam House team in the due course of the match. It seemed as if the chanting of “Shivam-Shivam” had elevated the spirit of the players and prompted them to score more. The crowd erupted with hollering each time there was a basket and the ground trembled with the voices of the audience. The final score was 22-21 in the favour of Shivam House. After a long struggle between the two houses, Shivam House won the competition in the Senior group, making them the overall winners of the Inter-House Basketball Competition as well.

This basketball Competition with all the thrill and excitement, apparently ignited passion among the aspiring basketball players of the Junior group. Thus, it can be stated that this was yet another success of an inter-house competition, in terms of both ethics and skills.

Written by: Abhay Patel (Grade 10)