In this 21st century, the game of chess offers a very convenient way to develop, execute and improve mental strategies. Chess is like a war between two players fought on a battleground of black and white squares and their armies consist of 8 Pawns, 2 Knights, 2 Bishops, 2 Rooks, a King and a Queen. The players need to use their brains to move their armies to capture the opponents’ pieces and jeopardize the opponent’s King. Those with a better strategy can forge their victory using their thinking skills and tactics.

It was a great learning opportunity for the students of AVM to participate in the Inter House Chess Competition 2019-20. Wrapped with immense enthusiasm and guided by the slogan of “We are One”, this year’s competition was a splendid one with memorable events and heavy participation from all the three categories: Sub-Junior, Junior and Senior. 2 best players from all house in three categories were selected for the competition, which finally consisted of 24 participants. This highly competitive lot went through rigorous practice in order to sharpen their skills under the vivifying coaching of Hemant Sir, due to which they got prepared to face even the most difficult of challenges.

23rd August 2019 marked the commencement of the competition on which the fate of all these young chess aspirants depended. All of them were glowing with immense energy and enthusiasm. Our Vice Principal, Ashish Sir, graced the two-day league tournament where players played with different opponents within their respective categories. Each player had a think hard for an effective strategy that led to a fierce and nail-biting competition.

The results of the effort of these intelligent players are:

  • First – SATYAM HOUSE
  • Second – SUNDRAM HOUSE
  • Fourth – SHIVAM

 Reported by: Nirman Jaiswal, Darsh P Darji (Class 10)