The Mega Math Mania at AVM
Many of us think why sweat calculating in the mind, when we have easy tools like calculators handy? Though we all have cars, we run jog and walk for physical exercise. Similarly, Mental Calculation is a mental exercise for the brain. Research has proven that there is a direct relation between numbers and brain stimulation and development.
Here, at Atmiya Vidya Mandir, the students took another opportunity participating in the World Maths Day 2012, an event which runs as a global challenge set to trigger calculation frenzy amongst children and teenage competitors. WMD is a mathematical puzzle contest where a sound knowledge of mathematics together with speedy calculations is essential to solve problems. AVM students appeared in this competition for the third time in a row, in the last three years.
Results of the World Maths Day 2012
Name |
Age Group
World Rank
9 To 11
6 To 8
3 To 5
9 To 11
1 and 2
Prashant Gupta (age group 11-13) of Class 8A stood 87th worldwide and 11th in India.
Set to take place from 6-8th March, this worldwide competition had seen 5.5 million children competing from around the world from over 200 countries and territories. It was a worth seeing scene in the computer labs of the school that children typing or striking the right key finding it just a means and not an end; it is their computing and calculating skill which leads to an efficient and quick solution. The technical skill helps children to strengthen and improve their mathematical competence in calculating with speed, and of course accuracy.
The motivation behind this Mathmania is to provide a platform for the students to delve into unfamiliar areas and learn new ways in a fun and recreational context. The Mathematics Department of the school has a wonderful team of dedicated teachers like Prabhumagna Sir, Swayam Madam, Deepika Madam, Suhani Madam, Bhavna Madam, and Mrugesh Sir who created this opportunity as a great way for kids to show off their new math skills and share their passion for math and learning with other students.
The participation in this competition was with a purpose of allowing our students to gain valuable experiences through the process of competition and evaluation and to develop their talents and have a platform for their God-given abilities.