On the morning of 21st June 2023, Atmiya Vidya Mandir again acknowledged the International Day of Yoga in a high spiritual fervour in the school prayer hall in alignment with the school motto ‘Union of Body, Mind and Soul’. This day, which is celebrated globally – thanks to our honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modiji who has been behind its present universal recognition – proved yet another testimony of Atmiya Vidya Mandir to its commitment to inculcating the time-honoured traditions of Bharat in the minds of the students.

At the outset, the students were enlightened about the various benefits of pranayam and yog, that not only help the body function well, but also enhance the potential of the mind, and were made aware of the rules to be observed while practicing them. Under the exceptional guidance of Ritesh Sir and the Sports team, the students began with various pranayams, such as Anulom-Vilom and Kapalbhati to set their breathing in tune which assures one’s briskness both in body and mind throughout the whole day.

Following the masters and their instructions, students eagerly performed Surya Namaskar, an ancient practice of harmonizing the mind and body as well as offering prayer to the Sun god, Trikonasan, Bhujangasan, Gomukhasan, Sarvangasan and so on. The spacious hall with the crisscross light of the rising sun, the entire lot performing the aasans, and the mentors reaching across to extend their assistance to the needy then and there was a spectacular feast to the eye.

In all, the event duly manifested the vision of Atmiya Vidya Mandir along with a sense of gratitude and obligation for the legacy that our ancestors have entrusted to us.

Reported by: Ashish Kurusawe (Grade 11)