Once again Samirbhai and his team conducted an exciting book review presentation. The book review was on the New York Times Best Seller Book ‘THE POWER OF HABIT’ written by Charles Duhigg. It was held in the school auditorium during sports time. There was a cheerful audience, which included junior and senior section teachers and also students from 8th, 11th and 12th standards.

This book review presentation was all about how an individual, society and successful organizations can form or change their habits. The book was divided into three parts by the team. The group leader Samirbhai took the introduction and the first part. He gave a brief introduction about the book; it’s author and explained how we can change our habits. He discussed the habits of individuals during his talk and gave examples of great companies like Pepsodent and Febreze. He also talked about the most important concept of the book “THE HABIT LOOP” which has three elements:
(i) Cue
(ii) Routine and
(iii) Reward
To keep the audience engaged, they were given sticky notes in which they had to write their old habit loop and their new habit loop. This activity ended the first part of the book review session.

Then, Nishilbhai took the charge, explaining the habits of successful organizations around the world. He started with the concept draw, which the group had created to explain the concept of “KEYSTONE HABITS”. To explain the concept draw, he took example of Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all times. Nishilbhai also talked about other famous organizations that had changed their habits, namely Starbucks, Alcoa (The Aluminum Company of America). To provide more insight on the impact of habits, Abhishekbhai was given the charge to explain about the three companies mentioned in the book: Target, King’s Cross Subway Station and Rhode Island Hospital.

Then came Krutarthbhai who explained the third part of the book: Habits of Society. In his talk, he explained to the audience the Weak Tie & Strong Tie that bring people together. To explain the weak tie, Krutarthbhai gave the example of Rosa Parks. And to explain strong tie, he gave the example of Swamishree that how He visits the houses of various people regardless of their social, economic and physical condition, to spread the divine message of Atmiyata. And by giving this example, Krutarthbhai told us how Swamishree has been a strongest tie in our life. Moving forward, Krutarthbhai discussed the neurological habits of an individual, which are habits that we are born with. He gave examples of two individuals and helped the audience understand that even neurological habits can be altered by keeping faith in GOD and doing sincere and earnest prayer.

In the end, Samirbhai concluded the book, summing up all the habits together. As a part of the book review activity, the team had to design an alternative cover page; the team had made an insightful alternate cover page for “The Power of Habit”. After the explanation of the team’s own design of the cover page, the floor was opened to the audience for the question and answer session. There were many different questions asked by the students to the group and the group confidently answered to all the questions posed. The group had made an extra effort to draw a habit wall on the greenboard on which the students had to stick their sticky notes in which they had written their alternate habit loop.

Everybody learnt that changing old habits is easy; you just have to replace it with a new one.


By ~ Students of Class 12th Commerce