Mathematics: Gateway to all Sciences

Mathematics has been an inseparable part of education since the beginning of formal education.

It has played an important role in the advancement of any civilization. Sadly though, there is a common belief that Mathematics is a dry, boring and a difficult subject. On the contrary, if it is presented in an enjoyable manner, it is one of the easiest and most interesting subjects.


To further instil interest in the students, teachers at Atmiya Vidya Mandir have made a humble effort to organise an Exhibition on Mathematics. The exhibition presents Games, Activities, Magic and Puzzles, all based on different Mathematical Concepts. There is a section on Amazing Facts and Patterns based on Mathematics to cater to the curiosity of students and teachers. Another section provides several Shortcut Methods for easy calculations.

The exhibit also provides insight into the lives of great Mathematicians and in fact, it was inaugurated on 22nd December 2013, on the birth anniversary of the great Indian Mathematician,  Srinivasa Ramanujan who has inspired millions so far. Interviews of many skilled people of different fields helped students to understand use of Mathematics in every day’s life.

Mathematics + Joy = Effective Learning

When learning is fun, children become interested in the learning process and are motivated to learn even more. The ongoing Math Exhibition aims to further develop that interest and motivation in our wonderful children.

Written by: Swayam Ma’am

हिन्दी-गुजराती भाषांतरण प्रतियोगिता

आज का युग विद्यार्थियों का तेज़ दिमाग,प्रतिभावान के साथ-साथ बहुभाषी होना अति आवश्यक है। और जबकी हम भारत के एक बहुधार्मिक एवं बहुभाषी राज्य मे रहते है जहां हिन्दी हमारी राष्ट्र भाषा एवं गुजराती हमारी मातृभाषा है तो यह आवश्यक हैं कि हिन्दी तथापि गुजराती दोनों ही भाषाओं पर प्रभुत्व हों।
इसी उद्देश्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए दिनांक 03 अगस्त, 2013 को कक्षा 9 एवं कक्षा 10 में हिन्दी- गुजराती भाषांतरण प्रतिहयोगिता का आयोजन हिन्दी शिक्षक श्री मुकेशभाई जोशी एवं गुजराती शिक्षिका रेखाबहन के मार्गदर्शन में किया गया था।
* कक्षा 9 एवं 10 के गुजराती विषय पसंद करने वालें छात्रों को हिन्दी के दस सुवाक्य-सूत्र दिए गए, उन्हों ने उन हिन्दी के सुविचार युक्त सुत्रों का गजराती में भाषांतरण किया।
* कक्षा 9 एवं 10 के हिन्दी विषय पसंद करने वालें छात्रों को गुजराती के दस सुवाक्य सूत्र दिए गए, उन्हों ने उन गुरजराती के सुविचार युक्त सुत्रों का हिन्दी में भाषांतरण किया।
वर्ग के सभी छात्रों को चार भागों (सत्यम् हाउस, शिवम् हाउस, सुदरम् हाउस, एवं सुह्रदम् हाउस ) में विभाजित किया गया। चारों जूथ को दस-दस सुविचार युक्त सुत्र दिए गए तथापि 20 मिनट की समयावधि दी गई। छात्रों ने दी गई समय मर्यादा में उन सुविचार युक्त सुत्रों का भाषांतरण किया। तत्पश्चात् हर जूथ में से एक छात्र ने मंच पर आकर उन भाषांतरण किए हुए वाक्यों का उचित उच्चारण में पठन किया।
प्रतियोगिता बहुत रसप्रद रही। छात्रों में उत्साह देखते ही बनता था।
वर्ग के सभी छात्रों ने सोत्साह भाग लिया।
प्रतियोगिता के अंत में छात्रों ने प्रतिपुष्टि (feedback) मे बताया की यह प्रतियोगिता बहुत मज़ेदार रही। ऐसी प्रतियोगिताएं हमारा उत्साह बंढ़ाती है तथा हमारा आत्मविश्वास दृढ़ करती है
इस हिन्दी-गुजराती भाषांतरण का परिणाम इस प्रकार है—-
— हिन्दी भाषांतरण प्रतियोगिता में 200 अंक में से 169.5 प्रांप्तांक हासिल कर सत्यम् हाउस ने प्रथम क्रमांक प्राप्त किया हैं
— गुजराती भाषांतरण प्रतियोगिता में 200 में से 182 प्राप्तांक हासिल कर शिवम् हाउस ने प्रथम क्रमांक प्राप्त किया है।

सभी को हार्दिक अभिनंदन।
हिन्दी शिक्षक मुकेश जोशी
गुजराती शिक्षिका रेखा बहन

Visual and Spatial Competition 2013-14

Individually, we are a drop. But together we are an ocean“.

It is often said that the best work that can be produced by people, is through teamwork. You sit in a group and share your talent and imagination with others. And what emerges, is a combination of multi-artistic perfection.

To bring out the best that the child has, Atmiya Vidya Mandir has designed different competitions based on the theory of eight Multiple Intelligences.

The Visual and Spatial Inter-House Competition was conducted on 20th July 2013, at different places in school between 11.40 PM to 1.00 PM. Such a competition where everyone needs to have the ability to visualize with the sight of mind.

The themes were as below.

  1. Mask making– It was a fun activity of making a mask of any creature with paper to show various moods of different creatures.
  2. Greeting card on computer– It displayed the imagination of students by designing birthday cards, poster and PPT’s on the given topics.
  3. Best out of waste– It helped students to come out with their innovations in finding out the usefulness of the waste materials.
  4. Collage making– It assisted students with the art of creating the complete image from the separated and deserted parts.

Everyone was enthusiastic to excel in the competition and due to the limited time frame, participants were engrossed in performing the best. As it was also a team building activity, everyone experienced the power of coordination and team spirit. This competition, not only arouse a keen interest among all the students in imagining/visualising, but also provided a good platform to express their views and ideas.

The themes selected for this competition were vibrant and creative in nature. Everyone on campus observed and appreciated the creations of the students. Honourable Principal Dr. Vijay Patel, Vice-principal Ashish Patel, and one of the key event organisers, Manish Sir, along with the other observant judges assessed the competition.

Such a competition was tackled with much zeal and excitement. The students enthusiastically participated in the competition and presented beautiful creations.

The winners list is as follows:-

Mask making competition (Std 1, 2, 3)

  • Std 1: Jal Dhamelia (Suhradam House)

  • Std 2: Het Dungrani (Suhradam House)
  • Std 3: Nirman Patel (Sundaram House)

Card making competition

  • Std 4: Nishant Patel (Shivam House)

Poster making competition

  • Std 5: Pransu Patel (Satyam House)

Presentation making competition

  • Std 6: Het Patel (Suhradam House)

Compiled by: Rashmi Ma’am

AVM Debating Club: an indefatigable impulse to say something new about the all-too-familiar.

“Let thy speech be better than silence, or be silent.” 
Ever since the inception of AVM Debating Club, students started experiencing thrill and excitement to involve in all proceedings of AVM Debating Club. With the kind grace and blessings of His Divine Holiness Param Pujya Swamiji, who is the ultimate inspiration for the foundation of this Debating Club, the students enthusiastically participated in Semi-Finals and Grand Finale of Inter House Debate Competitions. 
Using Debate as a Mechanism for education, AVM Debating Club selected such topics to make it more of an academic debate. Research and discussion on these topics created an opportunity to train and develop students in the core academic skills of the language arts: reading comprehension, critical thinking, and communications skills. For Semi-finals and Finals three Speakers from each House made a team. Each House team of each group(classes) got one topic to speak ‘FOR’ or ‘AGAINST’. Competition for each group was between two House Teams, Unfolding two opposite sides of the same topic. Topics were given in prior, on which the teams were supposed to gather as much information as possible. 
Semi Finals
(Points -earned)
(Points -earned)
 6th and 7th Standard
Glamorising Cricket: Is affecting other sports?
 196 Points
191 Points
Restrict playing and selling of Violent Video
 208 Points
 206 Points
 8th & 9th Standard
Voting Should be made Compulsory
188 Points
226 Points
Indian Villages – Our Strength or Weakness?
209 Points
198 Points
 10th 11th & 12th Standard
Right-brain person enjoys life/successful more
than the left-brain person.
223 Points
233 Points
Science boon or bane?
 177 Points
216 Points
 Grand Finale 
6-7 Winner
Newspapers are things of past
215 Points
198 Points
8-9 Winner
Internet brings more harm than good
228 Points
196 Points
10-11-12 Winner
Believes they should get a Masters Degree
231 Points
193 Points

While preparing for Debate Competition, the students (members of AVM Debating Club) set up well for critical evaluation of ideas, arguments, and points of view. It is only through this critical evaluation that students learn to distinguish among competing claims for truth and thus determine themselves as autonomous thinkers.

The teachers trained the participants of the debate competition to learn how to analyze and critically think on the given topic to research relatively. The best outcome of the semifinals of Inter house debate competition was the team spirit, coordination and togetherness. It was quite satisfying for the trainers Prajval Sir, Prabhudarshan Sir, Chirag Sir, Saumya Madam and Seema Madam to acknowledge that teams in the AVM Debating Club are made up of Debaters who understand the roles and responsibilities as well as the complexities associated with each speaker’s position. With this understanding, the speakers can appreciate how the roles complement each other and thus put the team in the best position to win. 

Finally, the much awaited event of Grand Finale of Inter House Debate Competition arrived. The knack of relevant references, contextual evidences, and reasonable arguments and the verbal fights among house contestants interspersed with lots of claps and nodding from judges. Following the set rules of Debating and quite sophisticated arguing techniques made students be in a position where they could argue with understanding and assertion. 
It is a great pleasure to mention a deep sense of appreciation for [Harsh Sarda and Sachin Verlekar of Satyam House], for their explanation of Master Degree or Specialization in a subject is not good. Again refer to its opposite, were the arguments put forth by Shivam House’s Vishesh Mistry and Vishlesh Gondaliya. 
Further, it was so amazing to listen to [Keyur of Suhradam House], for demonstrating his speech on Internet poses more harm than good. Referring and responding to this , were solid arguments by Rushi and Sahjik of Sundaram House.] 
It is unavoidable to mention Yathansh Joshi and Ravi Patel of Satyam House in Junior group for giving an excellent coverage to the topic “News papers are things of past”. Referring and responding to them was the opposite team of Rahul and Aakash of Sundaram House. 
The gracious presence of honourable Vijay Sir and other teachers was quite motivating. AVM debating club feels proud to create such an event which was brimmed with podiums where students’ talent can not only reach the pedestal but acknowledge them with the very fact of debating: “Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.” 

Exhibition on Acids, Bases and Salts by Std 10 students

I Hear And I Forget,

I See And I Remember,

I Do and I Understand.

Chemistry is a science of experiments. Scientific concepts can be easily
understood by performing experiments. Students learn how to handle the
equipments and develop a scientific attitude.

Students of Std 10 recently organised an exhibition on Acid, Base and Salt. They gathered the information about the topic from various books, encyclopaedias and websites.

Students presented experiments to the visitors (students and teachers)
to detect whether the given substance was an acid, basic or salt by
nature. They gathered many food items and checked their nature with
different indicators (litmus paper, phenolphthalein and methyl orange)
and also measured pH of the given material with pH strips and universal

In the process, the students (both – the presenters and the visitors)
not only learnt about the topic but also understood the nature of the
food they eat daily. They also found out the three gunas of the food that is, Satvik food, Rajas food and Tamsic food.
Many students became aware that taking certain types of food (like soft
drinks, tea, coffee, spicy food, junk food, etc.) in excess is not good
for the health. They learnt about 10 different ways to maintain a
balance in our body by exploiting the neutralising nature of the
reaction of an alkali and an acid.

The presenters also gathered soil from different areas of the campus and
measured pH of these samples and understood the nature of the soil and
types of crops that grow in a particular type of soil.

The school principal, Dr. Vijay Patel, all teachers, especially the
Chemistry teachers (Anand Sir and Archana Madam) encouraged the students
and discussed with them about their selected topic(s) and gave them
some very valuable feedback. Their questions made the presenting
students think differently at times to find an answer and a few were
left unanswered on the day for the students to dig out an appropriate

Overall, the “fair” turned out to be a great learning experience for both the participants and the visiting students. 

Written by: Swayam Madam

Biology Lab-Skills Workshop

Scholar Theodore Roszak rightly said that Nature composes some of her loveliest poems for the microscope. The students of Atmiya Vidya Mandir had the opportunity to look at some of those poems through the microscope in the recently concluded Biology Lab-Skills Workshop.

Science has uncovered quite a few complicated phenomena but life still remains the most complicated yet simple creation of GOD. One of the purposes of studying science is to create curiosity amongst the young minds by helping them make sense of things around them. Science is supposed to be a hands on subject where students should be able to do different things and have fun. To create that enthusiasm amongst students, the Biology Department at AVM organized a basic lab skills workshop which allowed the students to learn some of the basic laboratory skills at an early age.

The secondary school Biology curriculum only allows students to observe different specimens and slides. It is only in high school that they get to prepare slides and do other activities on their own. To give a head start to the students of AVM, such a workshop was organized for the students of standard 10. Around 42 students took part in this week long workshop.

Mrs. Archana Patankar (M.Sc. Botany) – HOD Biology, explained the students how to prepare the slides of a plant and animal cell. She also explained the importance of materials used and showed them how to use different apparatus. Since the arrangement was such that each student would get their own microscope and other apparatus to perform the activity, the excitement in the biology lab was very visible. Mr. Sarvajeet Parsaniya (M.Sc. Biotech) was also there to guide and help the students. One of the heartening things to observe was the way such students who had found the theory class challenging, excelled in the lab. They prepared some wonderful slides with the correct techniques and proper methodology.

The principal of AVM, Dr. Vijay Patel, a keen science enthusiast himself, visited the Biology lab to observe the proceedings and more importantly to encourage students. At the end of the workshop, each student was given a questionnaire to fill. The idea was to see if they understood and learnt the basic skill set required, which they passed with flying colors.

Is Exam really a matter of concern?

Every exam gives you an opportunity to prepare, to plan, to overcome your shortcomings so that you are well prepared for the problem next time.
At every level subject changes, but what doesn’t change is the skill that you learn to tackle the (Challenge) problem.
More educated you are lesser chance of failing in future challenges.
Education and success is not one time achievement, it is a journey that one lives and influences others.
Education does not guarantee you employment of a business empire, but guarantees happiness regardless wherever you are, whatever you do.
Just pass.
Written by: Shailendra Sir

Key to Success

Success is an inevitable aspect of human life, but it’s a bitter truth of life that not everyone gets success. The ladder of success has only three steps. If a person climbs these three steps, definitely he will get success.
1st Step: Set your Goal. To achieve something, first we have to define what we want to achieve. Before starting the car you must have to define your destination, this is the first step to get successful, define your target. Write down your goal on a piece of paper. First thing is to write down the goal you want to achieve without putting any limitations.
2nd Step: Visualize your Goal every day, whenever you get time think about your goal, think how you will achieve it, think what you will do after achieving it. Don’t put any limitation as you don’t have to pay to visualize it. The best way to visualize is to stick your goal on soft board so you can see it every day every time.
3rd Step: Take consistent actions every day to achieve your goal. Rome wasn’t built in a day; if you want to climb 1000 steps you have to start with one and you have to climb one by one. You cannot climb 1000 steps at a time.
As Robin Sharma rightly said, “Success is created through the performance of a few small daily disciplines that stack up over time to produce achievements for beyond anything you could have ever planned for.”

Creativity is “Possible”

In modern age, creativity has its unique space and importance literally everywhere. Corporate houses and most industries have now accepted that creativity in their business is the way forward. Most of the employers want their staff to be creative. To be able to achieve that staff members have training, workshops, seminars on creativity. Even education system is also no exception to that (which is a very good thing).
But the question is; what is creativity? Plenty of efforts have been made to define creativity. But the most accepted definition comes from the father of ‘creativity’, Mr. Edward De Bono. As per him Creativity is all about generating alternatives. Creativity enables us to be able to acquire more options or solutions for a particular problem.
Creativity tells us that there is always an alternate course of actions. There are always more answers to a question, there are always different approaches to a problem.
Now the million dollar question is how to become creative. What could be the first step? As far as I am concerned, it is the sense of possibility which opens up the door for creativity. You must have been thinking, is it some language teachers trying to solve a math or a scientific problem? But before you make any conclusions, hear me out.
Most of us would consider scientists, mathematicians, painters; sculptures and musicians creative in their work. So do you think any of their work could have been done without them thinking it is possible? Thinking possibilities is a necessary skill to become creative. Most of the people stress on critical thinking which only teaches us what is wrong and what is right. But for being creative, critical thinking skills are not enough. To generate new ideas one needs to be thinking about the different possibilities.
In the field of math, proof is very integral part of the process. But at times proof is nothing but the lack of imagination.’ A’ causes ‘B’. We get the proof for it and once we prove it, everyone has to accept it and we are very happy. But there could be more reasons for B to happen. Unless you think there is a possibility for an alternate solution, there is no way you can come up with the alternate solutions. If Wright brothers did not think that we can travel in air we would not have air planes today. I know it was a very boring example but it is very fundamental and no one can deny that.
How can I conclude my article without talking about this topic in context of education? Being a teacher, sometimes it becomes very frustrating when our students do not understand the simplest of the things. No matter how many times we teach them the same topic it may seem impossible to teach them and we choose to believe that the student is dull and doesn’t make efforts to learn. What can we do? Well I believe we need to develop the skill of thinking possibilities. Unless we believe it is possible to make students understand, we cannot come up with alternate explanations. That is what I call being a creative teacher. So next time someone asks you how to become creative, just tell them it is “POSSIBLE”.