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For the students, Of the students, By the students

Just a quick update really.. So excited about the elections coming up this Saturday for the Head Boy and the choosing of the House Captains by the students. The students, the teachers, the admin staff and the hostel staff all are now appropriately grouped into four houses: Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram and Suharadam. More on the House […]

Key to Success

Success is an inevitable aspect of human life, but it’s a bitter truth of life that not everyone gets success. The ladder of success has only three steps. If a person climbs these three steps, definitely he will get success. 1st Step: Set your Goal. To achieve something, first we have to define what we […]


सुना न हो सफ़र सत्कार का, आगे और ज़माना भी है। सम्मान देते-देते भूल न जाना, एक दिन सम्मान हमे पाना भी है।। “सम्मान” ये कोइ उपहार नहीं जो किसी के हाथ में दिया जाए। ना ये उधार लिया जाए, ना भाड़े पे चलाया जाए, ना छिना जाए, ना चुराया जाए, जब होठों से भी […]

Let’s tickle their sixth sense

Much has been written and said about CCE, but one can gist fully call it a bleach on the tint as nothing has been more prolific, more articulate and more complete in exploring and unraveling all the dimensions of implementing it in our school. I think that under the influence of the CCE, a child […]

Are we ready to become role models?

Few days back I came across a good quote on parenting which goes something like this, “If you want to see how good or bad you have lived just look at your child.” There isn’t much difference when it comes to parenting and teaching especially when you are a teacher in a residential school. This […]

God – Prayer — Me

Prayer, the word gives security, it gives satisfaction. People have choice of gods to offer prayers, different gods for different people but what is common between them is their belief. I was wondering why one should pray or if that really matters. If I think rationally, not spiritually, I liked the definition of prayer by […]

The bad Boy: Please understand me.

Hi,For last five years I have been in the teaching profession and let me share my observation with you.The creativity of a student starts on the last page and ends on the first page as he writes what he is inspired to on last page and he writes what he is compelled to on the […]

Talent can be frustrating

You may have heard so many things about talented people. It is always very easy to talk about talented people. More often than not we also appreciate the talent that they have. You may have read a book named ‘talent is not enough(I think it was written by John Maxwell). That is stll understandable but […]

Atmiya Vidya Mandir in Hall of Fame of World Maths Day Practice Session

World Maths Day is the world’s largest online mathematics event where students compete in real time against other students from around the world. In this event, the main focus is on basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and number series. The students are awarded the points based on speed and accuracy of mental […]