जल-झुलनी एकादशी 2013

तिथि, वार, नक्षत्र, योग और करण इन पाँच प्रमुख अंगो से बने हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार नवसंवतसर (नववर्ष) का शुभारंभ चित्रा नक्षत्र से युक्त चैत्र मास (मार्च-अप्रैल) की प्रतिपदा (एकम्) को मनाया जाता है। तत्पश्चात् द्वितीय माह ‘वैशाख’ और तृतीय माह ‘ज्येष्ठ’ को छोड़ कर के चतुर्थ मास ‘आषाढ़’ के शुक्ल पक्ष की एकादशी; ‘देवशयनी-एकादशी’ से प्रारंभ होकर कार्तिक मास के शुक्लपक्ष की ‘प्रबोधिनी एकादशी’ पर्यंत, समय के इस प्रवाह को – चतुर्मास कहते हैं । 

धरातल पर ‘जेठ’ महीने की भीषण और प्रचण्ड धूप के बाद, आषाढ़ माह के शुरू होते ही काले बदरवा की गर्जन और दामिनी की आतिशबाजी से गगन थर्रा उठता है तथा मेघ समारोह के नजारे दृष्टिगोचर होने लगते हैं। पावस की बूंदें धरती पर पड़ते ही लोगों के तन-मन फुहारों से सिंचित हो खिल उठते हैं, ताप भाग खड़ा होता है। झुलसे उपवन में बहार आ जाती है। घनघोर घटाओं से अंबर घिर जाता है। चहुंओर हरीतिमा ही हरीतिमा। नदी, तालाब, सरोवर आदि लबालब हो जाते हैं, कृषक प्रफुल्लित हो उठते हैं, ठंडी बयारें, वर्षा का जल नया संदेशा, नई चेतना लेकर आता है। धरती की गोद से जब नव अंकुर फूटते हैं तो भूलोक पर कोपलों की हरियाली से चूनर लहरा उठती है।

और फिर प्रारंभ हो जाता है दौर त्योहारों का। हरियाली का उत्सव हरियाली अमावस्या से लगाकर नाग पंचमी, रक्षाबंधन, कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी, गणेश चतुर्थी, नवरात्री, दशहरा, दीपावली आदि–अदि… क्या ये सभी उत्सव पृथ्वी को हरा-भरा रखने और सरिसृप(सांप) सहित संपूर्ण प्राणी जगत की सुरक्षा का संदेश देते हुए हमें ये नहीं बताते हैं कि वनस्पति और प्राणी जगत एक-दूसरे के बिना अधूरे हैं ?

त्यौहारों की शृंखला के में एक और कड़ी जुड़ जाती है जो जल-झुलनी एकादशी के रूप में ख्याति प्राप्त है। यह अद्भुत और विशेष त्योहार आर्यावर्त (भारत) में कई नामों से जाना जाता है जैसे- परिवर्तिनी एकादशी, पार्श्व एकादशी, वामन एकादशी, डोल ग्यारस आदि ।

वर्षा काल के दौरान चिरकाल तक भ्रमण के अवसर की सुलभता न होने के कारण अल्प-विहार का संदेश देता यह खास पर्व आत्मीय विद्या मंदिर में भी प्रतिवर्ष की भांति इस वर्ष भी मनाया गया। चिरप्रतिक्षित जल-झुलनी एकादशी का उत्साह विद्यालय में पौ फटने के साथ ही नज़र आने लगा। सूर्योदय के साथ ही नन्हें-नन्हें बालको का भगवान सहजानंद के प्रति धर्मानुराग आज विशेष रूप में देखा गया। प्रभात वेला की ईशवंदना के बाद क्या किशोर और क्या वयस्क, आबालवृद्ध समूह प्रातःकालिन अल्पाहार में केवल राजगिरा और मालकांगनी के पकोड़े खाकर दैनिक कार्यों में प्रवृत्त हुआ। विद्यालय में रविवार का अवकाश होने के कारण विद्यार्थीयों इस उत्सव को लेकर खासा उत्साह देखने मिला। छात्रों ने भी मध्याह्न के भोजन में भी छाछ भाजी और फलाहारी पूरियों का सेवन किया। इस प्रकार आराधनपूर्ण इस दिवस की कब सांझ हो गई, ज्ञात ही नहीं हो पाया।

और अब ! आखिर आ ही गया समय का वो प्रतिक्षारत खंड, जिसका पिछले सप्ताहभर से भक्तों को बेसब्री से इंतज़ार था। करीब चार बजे पूरे उत्साह और उमंग के साथ औत्सुक्यपूर्ण वातावरण में भगवान स्वामिनारायण और उनके साथ शास्त्रीजी महाराज, योगीजी महाराज और प्रगटगुरूहरि हरिप्रसाद स्वामी महाराज की प्रतिमाओं को देवालय से आदरपुर्वक बाहर लाकर श्रद्धा एवं सावधानी के साथ पालकी में बैठाई गई। भगवान की जय-जयकार से विद्यालय प्रांगण गूंजायमान हो उठा। इस शोभायात्रा की शोभा तो बस देखते ही बनती थी। छात्रों एक जत्था पूर्ण जोर-शोर से जोश के साथ वाद्ययंत्रों का वादन कर रहा था तो दूसरी ओर अन्य छात्र भजनों के गायन से माहौल को भक्ति से ओत-प्रोत कर रहे थें।

और इस तरह से यह यात्रा विद्यालय के तरणताल तक जा पहुँची जहाँ पर सर्वप्रथम भगवान का शुद्ध जल से अभिषेक किया गया तत्पश्चात् विद्यालय परिवार के पूज्य बालुकाका, पूज्य वल्लभमामा एवं प्रधानाचार्य डा. विजय पटेल ने पूजन और आरती की। शाम का वातावरण अत्यंत सुहावना था। विद्यालय के सभी छात्र शिक्षक एवं अन्य कर्मचारीगण को संबोधित करते हुए डा.पटेल ने इस पर्व के महात्म्य पर प्रकाश डाला और कहा कि ‘जिस प्रकार किसी नदी या सागर को सुगमता व सरलता पूर्वक पार करने में एक तरणी(नौका) कितनी सहायक होती है, ठिक वैसे ही ये जीवन भी एक सागर जैसा है जिसमे विषमता की समय-समय पर अनेक लहरे आती रहती है जिनका सामना कर सफलतापूर्वक इस भवसागर को पार करने में संत हमारे लिए नाव की भांति सहायता करते हैं और हम जीवन का सुगमता और सरलता से निरवहन कर सकते हैं’। प्रधानाचार्यजी के इस उद्बोधन ने गागर में सागर भरने का काम किया।

फिर कनिष्ठ छात्रों से लगा कर वरिष्ठ छात्रों तक सभी ने भक्ति के साथ अत्यधिक उमंग द्वारा बारी-बारी से श्री हरि को जल में विहार करवाया। कार्यक्रम के अंत में ऋतुफल खीरा(ककड़ी) का प्रसाद वितरण किया गया तथा इस तरह से जल-झुलनी एकादशी के इस उत्सव को आत्मीय विद्या मंदिर में सरसता के साथ मनाया गया। खुब भक्तिपरक और प्रचुर रोचक ऐसे अग्रीम जल-झुलनी एकादशी के उत्सव की प्रतिक्षा मे…

लेखक: पुष्पक सर

Inter House Skating Competition 2013-14

Stronger foundations are the reason for the stability and strength of a tall building. Likewise in sports, stronger domestic competitions often lead to a strong showing outside of the school.

Skating has always been one of the favorite sports at AVM. Skating can often give you the thrill of speed but also make you realize the importance of balance in our lives. Therefore it was not a surprise that students were very excited to participate in the inter house skating competition. As per the school policy of ‘safety first’, all the students were ready with their protective gears for this very exciting competition.

This year, for the very first time the Beginners group was included through which as young as the students of class 3 participated in the competition. There were also separate groups for Sub Juniors, Juniors and Seniors. Students participated for long as well as short distance races.

Not for the first time this year, the students of Satyam house showed their superiority on the field and swept the competition with a record margin with Sundaram house a distant second.


Here are the results of the competition.

The inter house competition showcased the talent of students along with their will to maintain very high standards. Such a level of skill and commitment, was later rewarded with some excellent performances at the district level. AVM swept the U-14 competition at the district level and three of them were selected to represent the district at the state level later this year.

Below are the students who have made the school proud.

Durgesh Gami (9B) – First

Vishrut Patel (9A) – Second
Hrushi Patel (9A) – Third 

On behalf of AVM family we would like to congratulate the three of them on this achievement.

Ganesh Chaturthi: Celebrating the control over senses

Ganesh Chaturthi, the great Ganesh festival starts on 4th day of Hindu month of Bhadrapada and ends on 14th day of Bhadrapada.

At AVM, we welcomed Gajj Mukhi Shri Gajanana (the elephant headed God Ganpati) with the chanting of slogans on the beat of drums and khanjari, Ganpati Bapa Morya, Mangal Murti Morya, Ghee na Laddu Choriya, Aale re Aale Ganpati Aale… and students dancing ahead followed by Lord Ganesh on the chariot drawn by our housemasters and sports teachers till the steps of Atmiya Prayer Hall where the Idol was welcomed by the ladies staff performing Tilak vidhi and sprinkling Akshat and Flowers inviting Lord Ganesha with the slogan “RIddhi Siddhi sahit padharo Shri Gaurinandan Ganesh”.


The Idol was placed in the prayer hall with rituals performed by our Sanskrit teacher Shri Pushpak Joshi. Aarti was performed with the participation of all AVM staff and students.

For the next five days, Aarti and Poojan was performed as per rituals and the students made the most of this auspicious opportunity of praying to the Lord of Wisdom and Prosperity. During the five days festive period, they observed the idol of Lord Ganesha as: Big Head being referred to thinking big; Small Eyes to concentrating well; Large Ears to be a good listener; Large Stomach to peacefully digest (accept) the good and the bad in life; His vahana (vehicle He rides), mouse, (whose desires are endless), that should be controlled and driven by us rather than the desires driving us. The students learned the significance of being an Ideal son.

On the fifth day, with mixed feelings of joy and some sadness, the students and staff celebrated the farewell of Lord Ganesha to His heavenly abode with the students loudly chanting slogans. The procession started from the footsteps of the Prayer Hall, going around the Pavitra hostel, then taking a round from the dining hall to the senior school building and finally to the front of the Admin building where everyone danced around the Idol and prayed to Lord Ganesha to be with them and help fight any obstacles coming in their way. Everyone waved a final goodbye to Lord Ganesha and from there on, some teachers and housemasters accompanied the chariot towards the banks of the holy river Tapi, where the Idol was immersed in the river chanting prayers to the son of the Aadi Dev.

गणपती बाप्पा मोरया ! पुढच्या वर्षी लवकर या !
[Oh Lord Ganesh, please come back early next year]

Written by: Pranav Sir

Natural Intelligence Competition 2013-14

Nature is beautiful for those rare who admire her beauty. Their observation of nature is keen and perception is entirely different from a layman, because they possess natural intelligence, one of the aspects of multiple intelligence.

For those faces in the crowd, the team of teachers at AVM organized the Inter House Natural Intelligence Competition 2013-14 for grades 1 to 10 on September 7.

The competitions were organised grade wise and house wise. For different competitions, there were different themes picked up from the environment.

Grades 1 to 3

  • For this junior most group, four students from each class were selected for each of the four houses. Thus there were 12 participants in all.
  • The competition was “Role Play” and their theme was “Animals”. Each participant wore a costume to resemble an animal, imitated that animal (the way it walks, makes noise) and introduced himself as that animal.
  • The anchoring was an additional excitement as the anchors recited poems related to the animal on the stage. That great job was done by Nirmaanbhai of class 3A and Nirlepbhai of class 2.
  • The competition was conducted in the auditorium and the organizer was Sharmil Ma’am.


Grades 4 to 6

  • In this junior group, the theme for grade 4 was “Flowers” and their competition was “Collage making”.
    Four participants were selected to represent the four houses and they prepared their collage on a chart paper using different materials provided to them. The time allotted was 1.5 hours.
  • The theme for grade 5 was “Birds” and the competition was “Rangoli”.
    Eight participants were there to represent the four houses, i.e. two from each house. They used grains, pulses, flowers and leaves for floor decoration. They had to write a value relevant to their rangoli and had to complete the activity within 1.5 hours.
  • The theme for grade 6 was “Plants” and the competition was “Plant Arrangement”.
    There were eight participants as representatives of the four houses. They were asked to arrange plants in a tub full of sand. Plant arrangement was done with a concept. They also wrote a slogan related to their concept. The participants came up with wonderful ideas and arranged plants with concepts like forest, park, garden, etc. The time duration was 1.5 hours.

All these competitions were organised in the Junior School Cluster.

Grades 7 & 8

  • Environmental Quiz” was organized for these two classes. It was a group activity and each house team consisted two participants from each class, thus making a team of four members.
  • A questionnaire containing 30 questions related to Science, Social Science and General Knowledge was designed and the team members had to discuss and choose the correct option online from the given multiple choices. The time allotted was 1.5 hours and it was held in the computer lab 2. The organizers were Binu Ma’am and Rashmi Ma’am.


Grades 9 & 10

  • A “Poster-making Competition” with the theme “Conservation of Nature” was organized for these two grades. Two participants from each grade represented their respective houses, thus a total of 16 students participated in the competition. They sought the liberty of selecting the concepts by themselves. The time allotted to them was 1.5 hours and the competition as organised by Anand Sir in the Maths Lab. 
A summary of the final outcome of this inter house competition is given below:
Written by: Sunita Ma’am

SAMARPAN 2013 – For all those who light the way for others

5th September is celebrated as Teachers’ Day all over India and it was specially so at Atmiya Vidya Mandir. The students of Class 11 with the guidance of the Student Council Convener, Tarun Sir, poured out their hearts to convey their love and respect for their teachers by arranging a celebration on the day. The students believe their teachers to be the torch bearers in their path of ignorance; mast of their life boats and their compass in the dense forest of life.
The function began with the poojan of all the teachers by the students of class 2 and 3. It was followed by invoking the presence of God through Thakorji’s poojan. The stage was set and the hosts: Sonakbhai and Parikshitbhai took their places. First the students were told about the significance of the day. Then, to give a musical tribute, Ronakbhai was called upon, who played a masterpiece on the keyboard. This was followed by a skit by Parthbhai, Mananbhai, Niramaybhai and a group of Class 11 students. The skit showed how the teachers at AVM were different than elsewhere and how they played an important role in deciding the child’s future.

Then was the time for the much awaited dance tribute by some amazingly talented students. The dance was mind blowing and left an imprint in the hearts of every teacher and student. The first part of glimpses of moments spent by teachers with students was shown on the big screen and was followed by card distribution to the female teachers. This part of the function was concluded by a melodious song which was a fusion of “Jab koi baat bigad jaye” and “Tum ho to”.
The second part began with the glimpses of male teachers and was followed by card presentation to them. Howsoever much we praise the teachers, it is always incomplete! Lalitbhai conveyed that fact when he came forward on the stage to talk about the contribution of teachers in his and every students’ life at AVM. His speech was simply heart touching. After the speech, there was a group song performance of “In your hands” by the AVM choir group.
Furthermore, everyone was showed the glimpses of our greatest teacher, Param Pujya Swamiji, how He constantly takes care of us, how He prays for our welfare and how much He loves us. To conclude the function, our beloved and respected Principal, Vijay Sir was called upon on behalf of the teachers to share his feelings as a teacher and his experience having us as his students.
The day then continued with the student teachers performing the teaching duties in the classes right from grade 1 to 12! The senior building staffroom renovation work just finished in time to be inaugurated on this auspicious day by our dearest Haresh Sir. After cutting the ribbon, he asked the student teachers to first enter the staffroom and then followed them into the staffroom with the teachers.
And thus the celebration and the day carved a yet another special place in the hearts of the teachers and the students for each other!
Harshit Aggarwal & Love Patel (11 Commerce)

એક મંગલ અવસર: જન્માષ્ટમી

નંદ ઘેર આનંદ ભયો, જય કનૈયા લાલકી;
હાથી ઘોડા પાલખી, જય કનૈયા લાલકી.

જન્માષ્ટમી આપણો ધાર્મિક તહેવાર છે.

જન્માષ્ટમી એટલે ભગવાન શ્રીકૃષ્ણનો જન્મદિવસ. તેમનો જન્મ શ્રાવણ વદ આઠમની રાત્રે મથુરાની જેલમાં થયો હતો. તેમના પિતાનું નામ વસુદેવ અને માતાનું નામ દેવકી. ‘દેવકીનું આઠમું સંતાન કંસનો નાશ કરશે’ એ ભવિષ્યવાણીથી ગભરાઈને કંસે વસુદેવ અને દેવકીને જેલમાં પૂર્યાં હતાં. મધરાતે શ્રીકૃષ્ણનો જન્મ થયો, પછી વસુદેવ શ્રીકૃષ્ણને કંસના અત્યાચારથી બચાવવા માટે ગોકુળમાં નંદરાજાને ઘેર મૂકી આવ્યા તથા જશોદાની દીકરીને પોતાની સાથે લઈ આવ્યા અને શ્રીકૃષ્ણ ભગવાનનો જન્મ ગોકુળમાં જાહેર થયો. તેથી શ્રીકૃષ્ણના જન્મદિવસને ‘ગોકુળઅષ્ટમી’ પણ કહે છે.

આ વર્ષે આત્મીય વિદ્યા મંદિરમાં જન્માષ્ટમીનો તહેવાર ખૂબ ધામધૂમથી ઊજવવામાં આવ્યો. કૃષ્ણ ભગવાનના અત્યંત પવિત્ર જન્મદિન નિમિત્તે તેમના અગણિત ગુણોને યાદ કરીને, પર્વને આનંદથી ઊજવવા માટે રાત્રે 8:30 થી 10:00 વાગ્યા સુધી ભજન સંધ્યાનું આયોજન કરવામાં આવ્યું. તેમાં નાના નાના ભૂલકાંઓએ ઉલ્લાસમય સ્વરે ભગવાન શ્રીકૃષ્ણની બાળલીલા ગાઈ હતી. ત્યારબાદ પંજરીનો પ્રસાદ વહેંચવામાં આવ્યો હતો.

બીજા દિવસે સાંજના 4:00 થી 6:30 વાગ્યા સુધી ફૂટબોલ ગ્રાઉન્ડ ઉપર મટકીફોડના કાર્યક્રમનું આયોજન કરવામાં આવ્યું. કાર્યક્રમની શરૂઆત મુખ્ય મહેમાન હરેશ સર, વિજયસર, આશિષ સર તથા અર્જુનમામા દ્નારા ઠાકોરજીના પૂજનવિધિથી થઈ. ત્યારબાદ દહીં , માખણ , મધ તથા ચોકલેટથી ભરેલી મટકી ફોડવાનો કાર્યક્રમ જય રણછોડ માખણ ચોર, નંદ ઘેર આનંદ ભયો, જય કનૈયા લાલકી ના નારાથી શરૂ થયો. જેમાં પ્રથમ મટકી ધોરણ – 1st, 2nd, 3rd ; બીજી મટકી ધોરણ – 4th, 5th, 6th ; ત્રીજી મટકી ધોરણ – 7th, 8th, 9th તથા ચોથી મટકી ધોરણ – 10th, 11th, 12th ના વિદ્યાર્થીઓ દ્નારા ફોડવામાં આવી. આમ, કૃષ્ણ જન્મોત્સવ તથા મટકીફોડના કાર્યક્રમની ઉજવણી ખૂબ જ શ્રધ્ધા અને ભક્તિભાવ પૂર્વક કરવામાં આવી.

જન્માષ્ટમીનો ઉત્સવ ફક્ત વિદ્યાર્થીઓના આનંદ માટે જ નહિ, પણ તેમને ભારતીય સંસ્કૃતિનું ધાર્મિક મહત્વ બતાવવા માટે રહ્યો.

ગૌતમ સર (ગુજરાતી શિક્ષક)

Where there is Vasudev….there is Victory!

yatra yogesvarah krsno
yatra partho dhanur-dharah
tatra srir vijayo bhrutir
dhruva nitir matir mama|

“Wherever there is Krishna, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjun, the supreme archer with the willingness to fight, there will also certainly be magnificence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality.”

In this fast pacing 21st century world which is chiefly swayed by association of man and machine, the epic like Mahabharat and its teachings seem utopian… But for the students of Atmiya Vidya Mandir the message of this historical epic comes more relevant and attainable. Recently Sundaram House celebrated Janmashtami week by elucidating the wisdom and teachings of Mahabharat to all the students. Sundaram House celebrated this week by putting forth the characters and happenings of Mahabharat through speeches, videos and various performances based on this great epic.


On Monday the students were introduced to this great Epic and explained about the early childhood and education of Pandavs and Kouravs by Guru Dronacharya. How the seed of war seeped in and how Krishna became the shanti doot ….answers of these questions were explained on Tuesday. It was followed by a simple explanation of Geeta Saar on Wednesday, it was well explicated that when Arjun denies for war saying if he wins the battle of Mahabharat, he would lose his loved ones, so with whom would he share the victory and if he loses then also the kingdom will go in wrong hands so he expresses his doubt, then Lord Krishna explains it is in our hands to perform Karma without worrying about the result as that is not in our hands, it is taken care of by God. We should simply perform our duties sincerely but not out of greed for the outcome.
Moreover, on Thursday and Friday, students were introduced to Bhishma and Karna. Students were also well informed about Krishna’s advice to keep a balance in all our activities and maintain emotional stability. In addition to this, there was a grand creative assembly on Saturday, in which the most relevant essence of Mahabharat was conveyed through a drama performance by students of Sundaram House: “मांगे तो क्या मांगे प्रभु से “.

The character portrayal of Krishna, Arjun, Duryodhan, Jaydrath, Shakuni and Dushasan in the drama brings home the message that intellect and knowledge are always outshined by faith and devotion to God. In today’s world, we are like Arjun in our daily war with our senses and mind, which try to pull us away from our goal and in order to emerge as a winner in this war with negative forces; we need to have Krishna by our side, the charioteer who guides us to the right path. The key message of this creative assembly was that we can ascertain our victory if we ask just for God Himself by our side, in all our endeavours. The best part of this creative assembly was a gentle reminder of the beautiful fact that we all AVM members (like Arjun) are fortunate enough to have Swamiji (who is our Krishna) in our life, His constant visits to the campus clear all clouds of doubt…. enlightening us to follow the right path.

हिन्दी में नाट्य द्वारा अभिव्यक्ति क्षमता का विकास

विषय- ‘गिल्लू’
पाठ के आधार पर नाट्य द्वारा पशु-प्रेम की अभिव्यक्ति करनी।
आज समाज
में मनुष्य-मनुष्य के बीच आत्मीयता का अभाव आ रहा है तो पशु-प्रेम की
गुँजाईस कहाँ है ! ऐसे अवसर पर बच्चों का न सिर्फ मनुष्यता का विकास
हो बल्कि प्राणी-जगत के प्रति भी सहानुभूति का संचार हो यह आवश्यक हैं।
इस विषय पर
वज़न देते हुए दिनांक 27 से 29, जून 2013 को हिन्दी विषय के अंतर्गत हिन्दी शिक्षक मुकेशभाई जोशी के मार्गदर्शन में कक्षा 9 में नाट्या का आयोजन किया गया था। जिसमें विद्यार्थियों ने सहर्ष हिस्सा
लेकर इस कार्यक्रम का आनंद लिया।

वर्ग के
सभी बच्चों को चार जुथ में विभाजित किया गया। हर जुथ ने अपना पशु-प्रेम एवं नाटकीय गुणों को एवं अपने हाव-भाव को स्वयं
को मिले पात्र द्वारा निरूपणकर स्वतंत्र
भावाभिव्यक्ति की।
हिन्दी शिक्षक मुकेशभाई जोशी

हिन्दी पठन-कौशल का विकास

(कक्षा 9
में पठन कार्यक्रम का आयोजन )
आज के प्रतियोगिताओं से भरे संसार में अनवरत प्रगति करनी हो तो ज्ञान परमावश्यक हैं। और ज्ञान के विकास के लिए पठन-शैली में उत्कृष्टता हो अनिवार्य है। बच्चों का पठन शुद्ध उच्चारणयुक्त होगा तो पठनीय
सामग्री बुद्धि ग्राह्य बनेगी।

उद्देश्य की पूर्ति हेतु दिनांक 26, जून 2013 को हिन्दी विषय के अंतर्गत कक्षा 9 में पठन कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया था। हिन्दी शिक्षक मुकेशभाई जोशी के मार्गदर्शन में ये आयोजन किया गया, जिसमें विद्यार्थियों ने पठन शैली का विकास, शुद्ध
उच्चारण, ‘र’ के विभिन्न उपयोगादि का अभ्यास किया।
हिन्दी शिक्षक मुकेशभाई जोशी

AVM TT Champs Winning in Style!

Continuing with the rich tradition of Atmiya Vidya Mandir in sports and in particular table tennis, the new breed of students sweep the District Level Table Tennis competition in all three categories. Beating the competition from 7 other schools in the district, AVM boys dominated U-14, U-17 and U-19 categories under the guidance of respected Devang Sir, and stamp their authority in the region.

Out of the 11 students participated, 10 got selected to play for the district in the state level competition. 

Here is the list of students who made AVM proud. Congratulations to all of them.

(To view the following more carefully, please right click and open in new tab)